Ghost Chili

The hottest chili pepper in the world is the Ghost Chili.~
Guinness Book of World Records confirmed it with an official (SHU) of 1,001,304 SHU, (SHU- Scoville Heat Rating, is the unit of measure used to indicate the hotness of a chili pepper.)

The Ghost Chili is good raw, pickled or cooked.

chili peppers

Growing Directions:

  • Ideal temperatures for growing are 77-95 F (25-35°C).
  • Growth in 10-15 days. Keep in full sunlight.
  • Without plenty of sunlight, growth may become slow and plant may wither.
  • You may plant buds elsewhere (in a planting pot or in ground.)
  • Take the center bud off when the plant reaches to 3.5 inches (10 cm) high to stimulate