Customer Testimonial

What customer saying about the Nature’s Greeting Plant / Message Plant :
We received the Lotto Plant as a gift from my mother. It produced lotto numbers within 7 days as promised, and this plant is growing like Jack and the Beanstalk. We’re curious, what type of plant is it? It was planted only 12 weeks ago and is now at least 8 feet tall, and also flowering (purple flowers). We just love it!
Lorraine and Steve Dellorto
I have a great /cool growing magic bean (3 weeks old) did not know what would grow out of the can…..WOW 1 monster bean started to break through the planting mediem and ….just amaze me!! Just can’t figure what type – name of the bean?? HELP!!
Mike , California
Hi. I received a Magic Plant as a gift and was truly amazed with it. I have a year round set up at a local flea market. Would it be possible for me to sell your product there?
We love the plants, we planted one of the samples and it sprouted up in no time, looks fantastic. We really appreciate your help accommodating the rush order. Erez worked very very hard with me to get this done. We appreciate all the effort you guys put in from beginning to end, to make this happen for an important client of ours.
Thanks again Karen!
Dave, New World Group
I bought a lotto bean several weeks ago, and have planted it. It’s growing well and I’m really enjoying it. I was wondering though what kind of bean is it actually?
Thanks for your time.
Planted one bean in fresh soil mix and within 1 week it broke through the surface and it’s growing well.
I LOVE your Magic Beans…have purchased about 11 of the I Love Yous and they are great!
We love the plants, we planted one of the samples and it sprouted up in no time, looks fantastic. We really appreciate your help accommodating the rush order. Erez worked very very hard with me to get this done. We appreciate all the effort you guys put in from beginning to end, to make this happen for an important client of ours.
Thanks again Karen!
Dave, New World Group
I have been so excited to order a bunch of these items for xmas presents. Everyone at my office is interested in them, I love your nature’s message plants. Great idea!
Thank You.
We received a plant and it has already has the message and the leaves are growing like crazy.
What kind of tree is this andare we suppose to plant it out in the yard?
I purchased a “Ocean World” magic plant for my mother, it is now about 2months and plant is really growing. Can I place this plant in a larger pot and move it outdoors?
We live in the high desert, temperatures run at times above 100 degrees,will it continue to grow in a shady area?
Thanks! We love your product!
What a great product! Thats so neat that it spells out a word! 🙂 It’s my first time seeing something like this! Great as a gift for the Holidays!

Lotto Plant testimonials

Here is a picture of the guys and their Lotto Plant. They were quite fascinated by it and decided to pool their money together and play all the numbers. We played our numbers too, but none of us won anything. Everyone had a good time trying though. They didn’t all show up that day, but one of the guys decided to play the numbers on another day and one of the workers decided to play them too on one of the games. A good time was had by all.

Thank you for sending the plants. I really do appreciate it.
Sandy Taylor
Hi, What an unusual item! I’ve worked with the Lottery for 20 years
and I’ve never seen anything so unique! Very, very interesting.


What they can say about Magic Plant Chili Products:

Well on the day that I got them I tried one there and then and the flavor was nice and the heat was just really intense and the stomach cramps was the worst pain Ive ever felt with a chilli but I love them cant Ive made my own cooking oil and I am really happy with your product. Oh and here is the video I said Id send you hope you enjoy it because I sure did haha 🙂 watch me eating your Trinidad scorpion peppers

Great Heat, I love ur peppers.

Holly cow this chili pepper is extremely hot.

Just wanted to say thanks for the ghost chili flakes ,they make my pizza better.

I harvested 30 peppers from the magic ghost chili plant . working on my salsa now.

My son gave me a “Nature’s Greeting” plant for my birthday and it’s UP!!! The shell or skin has fallen off and the message has been revealed. Since I love gardening and knowing more about plants, is this a soy seed?